668. TM 10-1563 CCKW 352 353 1942


The pictorial compilation on this CD was created, produced, copyrighted, and sold by Brian Joe:
Farmer, eBay user ID ohiocountryboy0, from non-copyrighted, public domain, declassified or
non-classified US Government documents, copyright 2005. All rights reserved. While all US
Government documents are public domain, the photo scans and the format I have used to
compile this file IS protected by copyright. The distribution of this file is expressly prohitited by
anyone other than Brian Joe: Farmer, eBay user ID ohiocountryboy0, or his direct employees. I
have put a lot of work into compiling this CD, so please understand that I must protect my work
by preventing others from selling my work as their own.
You are at liberty to print out ONE COPY of any and all pages of this file for your own personal
use, but you are prohibited from distributing any of this information in any manner which
deprives me the benefits of my labor.
I WILL prosecute any person or corporation who reproduces or distributes unauthorized copies of
my work to the fullest extent of the law. I WILL protect my intellectual property rights using the
maximum force permitted by law.
For EASIEST VIEWING, click on the VIEW tab of your Adobe Acrobat Reader, and then select
the FIT WIDTH option. Click on the BOOKMARKS tab if you wish to go to a specific chapter.
Thank you for buying this CD, andI nope you enjoy it.
Brian Joe: Farmer
eBay user ID ohiocountryboy0
By the Law of the Flag and USC Title 4, this flag denotes civil jurisdiction under the Constitution
and common law.

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