590. H-Dv-446-2 — Leichte Feldhaubitze 16 u d Feldhaubitzmunitionswagen 98, Teil 2, Feldhaubitzprotze 98, Munitionshinterwagen 98 usw — 50s


H.Dv. 446/2

The light field howitzer 16

(l) FH 16)

and field howitzer ammunition carriage 98

(Af. 4)

Part 2: field howitzer limber 98,

ammunition rear carriage 98

and freight transport of I. F. H. 16 on Sd. Ah. 3

Part I: I F. H. 16

From 10. 1. 38

Reprint with incorporated cover sheets No, I to 25

Berlin 1940

Printed by Ernst Steiniger Berlin SW 68

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