589. H-Dv-445-2 — Die Feldkanone 16n-A u d Munitionswagen 96 n-A, Teil 2 — Feldprotze 96 n-A, Munitionshinterwagen 96 n-A u Verlastung d FK, 30-12-37, 46s
H.Dv. 445/2
The field canon 16 n/A
(F. K. 16 n/A)
and the
ammunition carriage 96 n/A
(Af. 3)
Part 2: field limber 96 n/A,
Ammunition rear carriage 96 n/A
and freight transport of F. K. 16 n/A on Sd. Ah. 3.
Part 1: F. K. 16 n/A.
From 30. 12. 37
Berlin 1937

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